
The personal blog of Erik LaBine

A selfie of a motion-sick person standing in front of a tiny plane
fig 1. The least objectionable selfie I've taken lately

My name is Erik LaBine. I struggle to summarize what I do.

I've described myself as a "doer of things" for the better part of 10 years now, so I think I'll stick with that. My LinkedIn game is weak, and I don't use social media. My personal brand is less of a concrete singular vision and more based on doing wholly inexplicable things with my friends. If really pressed about what are my interests, and therefore what you're likely to find on this blog, or, for that matter, in a conversation with me,

  • Building C# software
  • Trying to figure out if we're actually building the right thing or not
  • Building the wrong thing anyway (but I keep that on my own time)
  • A recurring flirtation with Rust
  • More video games than are strictly healthy
  • Whimsy

Thank you for you interest.

Actual content coming soon, along with a version that doesn't look bad on phones.